Rybna 9/678, Prague 1  

About Us

The Indian Jewel has now been established to provide the culinary excellence of Indian cuisine that Prague has long desired. The central location of the restaurant will make it easily accessible for you. It is located in behind Týn Church on Ungelt Square, where the Czech architectural beauty of the whole area is apparent and it is supposed to be one of the oldest parts of Prague.

The staff has been handpicked by our Director, who has experience in the restaurant industry for over 30 years.

With our staff’s careers at their peaks, we hope to provide you with the most exceptional experience that sways you from the heart of Prague to the heart of Indian cuisine and culture.

To authenticate the Indian Jewel, we have adorned the walls of the restaurant with tantalizing damsels wearing elegant Indian jewelry. Entrepreneurs of art will be left gazing through tradition, at the special ordered jewelry that is hand carved into white marble. If all this doesn’t tickle your senses, you also have the pleasure of seeing religious, hand-made woodwork depicting the ancient temple figures that will be a memoir of your culinary passage to India!

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